Sunday, March 10, 2013

Haydn'ed to Death

If you are one of the unfortunate many whose early music training included heavy doses of Haydn you may have reacted as I did, by throwing out every note of it you ever possessed, vowing never to touch the stuff. 
Then, if you are one of the fortunate few to have awakened one day, as I did, to the wealth of drama in his every note, you cannot ever hear it out—there is always more to be experienced in every piece.
“I could probably say that during my long life I have heard a great deal of music.  Well, when I hear Haydn, I have the impression of discovering something new.  If interpreted the way it deserves, great music really is rich enough to retain its ‘novel’ character and to let desire grow in us to hear it again and again.” – Pablo Casals, quoted by Franz Eibner in the Preface to the Wiener Urtext edition of Haydn’s Piano Pieces. 
So, if you are young enough to value, as I do, the proximity of music in the clubs with a one drink minimum and a pitcher passed for voluntary support of the musicians, you may understand why I invite you to come hear Haydn (in the company of Bartok) under similar terms.