Sunday, May 12, 2013

Support the Blog

Every once in a while I invite you to support this blog at where there is a subscription option.  PayPal accepts payment in any currency.  Why not do it?  We would prove that the public attaches value to meaning.  What is wrong with that?

You might well ask why not accept advertising on the blog?

My very first published article appeared in 1972 in The Piano Quarterly, a high-class music magazine, no longer with us.  The magazine was supported, of course, by ads, mostly from music publishers.  My article, called "The Teacher / Performer" was missing a critical sentence which went something like this:"There is no reason why we should be teaching junk."

That turned me off commercially backed publication for quite some time; most of my subsequent articles were in Music For The Love of It, a newsletter for amateurs published by a dedicated soul in Berkeley, California.

I invite you to demonstrate that an alternative system can work.