Monday, October 28, 2013

More About Moments

Perhaps that's what music is, after all: moments.
  • The sound of a tiny ocarina leading a procession of children from Mott Haven in the South Bronx singing mediaeval melodies.
  • The sound of the low D-flat that begins the Chopin Nocturne in that key as played by Rubinstein in Carnegie Hall.
  • A lovely ornamented melody entirely new to me that turned out to be Bach's Schmuecke dich, O meine Seele, played by Fenner Douglass.
  • The moment when the wicked heroine of Handel's Alcina reveals that she, too, is under a spell and is powerless to change her evil ways.
Notice that all of these are live I-was-there-as-it-happened moments.

Note also that I say "are" in the present tense:  they are as real as they were when I lived through them in the flesh.